Margery Miller: “My Dream is to see a World Where Women Think of Themselves as Powerful Change Agents”

Business and life coach of over 45 years, Margery Miller, is the co-founder of the Dallas-based “Great Girls Network.” The organization was founded for women who are interested in having their lives have deeper meaning, and to provide a sanctuary for women to bring their true inner selves into the world, share stories and get feedback on problems they are tackling. As Margery likes to say “Women network differently than men” and all GGN meetings have taken place at Margery’s or a member’s house. These types of extended family “circles” are age-old ways women connect.

Great Girls Network Semi Annual Gathering

Great Girls Network members come from a cross-section of careers in both the for-profit and non-profit worlds and span ages from twenties to seventies. “We believe GGN is a place for women where it is not a requirement to have a “high powered” career.  It’s for women who also choose to stay at home with their families, or who are in transition to finding their next thing.”

Topics covered at meetings are usually centered on themes of Growth or Transitions, or anything that a member wants constructive feedback on. Sample conversations have been on things like “I don’t know if I should take this new job/make this career shift” or “I’m having issues with my teenager” or “I’m not sure how to approach retirement.”

A successful business woman herself, running and then selling her company and having an international consulting practice, Margery came up with the idea for the GGN in 2013 at an event she was attending with her friend Susan Hoff, Chief Strategy Officer of the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas. Margery found herself introducing women to other women they would benefit from knowing.  “I said to Susan that we needed to start a Great Girls Network to enable this cross-section of women from non-profits to businesses to get to know each other.” Susan agreed, and she and Margery became co-founders of GGN.

In December 2018, Margery published a book titled “The Great Girls Network Series: Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic” which can be found on

To learn more about the organization and to become a member, visit

Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic

Great Girls Network Great Girls Network

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