Angela Fields is devoting her life to giving back. A teacher by trade, Angela taught at South Oak Cliff High School in Dallas for 13 years where she coached volleyball and won “Coach of the Year” honors five times.  She now teaches at Albert S. Johnston Elementray as a Special Ed teacher. When her now husband, Donnie Fields, proposed to her, she had 1 condition: that they live in Dallas to work with inner city neighborhoods where she could continue her work with empowering girls through sports.

Angela founded Rae’s Hope, a girls life skills program, in 2008. 100% of girls in the program 2+ years have graduated high school, 98% of the girls read at their grade level, and while the teen pregnancy rate in Rae’s Hope zip code is 1 out of 9, the rate of Rae’s Hope girls is only 1 of 41!.

Rae’s Hope accomplishes this by focusing on these 5 areas:

  1. Physical Fitness
  2. Healthy Living
  3. Life and Social skills
  4. Financial Literacy, Reading and Education
  5. Community service

About Rae’s Hope

Rae’s Hope’s mission is to empower at risk girls to take charge of their lives and become productive members of their community. To do this, Rae’s Hope builds long-term relationships with their participants and delivers programming relevant and effective in building personal skills for success.