Transform Your Marketing!

6 Week Nonprofit Marketing Course

Enrollment Now Open

This course is designed to coach nonprofit Marketers, Development Directors, Program Designers, and Communications leaders to create impactful marketing strategies that attract and captivate donors and stakeholders. The course has been growing in popularity at UT Dallas and SMU, and this special 6-week course has been tailored for nonprofit leaders in time for annual planning and Fall giving season.

Download a 1-Pager on the Course to Share with Your Team and Colleagues here.

You Will Learn How To:

Create measurable marketing goals that drive your mission

Create unique value propositions

Design campaigns that dazzle your audiences

Build confidence & efficiency in your campaigns

Develop PR strategies to amplify the good & avoid PR crises 

Build cohesive, integrated marketing plans




Wednesdays 9 am – 12 pm


$3,475 (includes textbook)


Sept 6 – Oct 11, 2023


SMU Exec Ed Center in Dallas, TX


The Social Impact Marketing textbook will be included in the course fees.

Currently a virtual option is not available, though let us know
if you are interested in this if you live in another city.

Who the Class is For

This course can benefit novice or experienced nonprofit marketers, communications/PR leaders, and program directors who are looking to start or transform their organization’s marketing. Leaders of small, medium, and even large nonprofits are encouraged to apply. Knowledge or prior marketing courses are not required. The class will focus on strategic work that is tailored to the unique cause areas of the nonprofits participating.

Download a 1-Pager on the Course to Share with Your Team and Colleagues here.


Maddy Kulkarni is an award-winning professor at SMU and UTD, a global marketing director at a Fortune 50 company, has served on number nonprofit boards, and runs her own nonprofit organization.